While I’m oftentimes content to leave sketches be and not finish a complete piece, even arriving at a sketch I’m remotely happy with takes a decent amount of time and effort, which is why there’s a lot less images here than there could be. I’m not a trained artist and will oftentimes just sit down and draw stuff, which sometimes leads to finding errors that would take a long time to fix or could’ve been avoided altogether had I gone about the process properly. Oh well 🙂
Godzilla WIP in three stages. Single layer freehand with reference, made in Photoshop. This Godzilla image was also used in another project you’ll find on this site.
A weird vampire in the pale moon light. Multi-layer freehand, made in Photoshop.
Colour! This is a fairly quick drawing of a turkey for Flea Market. Multi-layer freehand with reference, made in Photoshop.
Concept art for Mayhem Masters. The astute can tell that while this was made to look like a high-quality scan of a hand drawn sketch, it’s actually all Illustrator.
Concept art for Mayhem Masters. While it looks like a cute game, that astronaut literally got blown to pieces.
Concept art for Mayhem Masters. The philosopher is running for his life as he’s being chased by The Snake, the terror of Mayhem Masters.