Sometimes working with prints isn’t too different from working with digital but other times it changes the playing field quite a bit. Here are some of the prints I’ve designed over the years.
Tri-fold brochure, inside. Made in InDesign
Tri-fold brochure, outside. Made in InDesign
Rollups for events. Made in InDesign.
Rollups for events. Made in InDesign.
This was simply the company logo printed on an A4 and carefully cut using scissors. Budget solutions go a long way to still look good!
A simple jpeg for a tasty cake.
I worked with an artist to create this custom Zelda Universe logo for t-shirt prints, the first of many future variants.
This was a challenge mainly because I had to learn a lot about shirt printing and what restrictions we had to work with.
Another rollup, this one for Veil of the Ages. Made in InDesign with some Photoshop work going into editing aspects of the top logo and artwork.
Flier for Flea Market. Double-sided, printed on A6 sheets. Made in InDesign.
Digital Ballista business card, front and back, made in InDesign. While I’ve made other business cards, this one’s the best… second to my wife’s, of course.